Bar Mitzvah


Wat is a Parshah?

  • The Torah is divided into 54 portions, one of which is read every Shabbat.
  • The Bar Mitzvah boy is called to the Torah to read a parshah, for which he has spent many months preparing.

Doron's parshah: Bereshit

  • This is the Torah's first parshah

"In the beginning of G-d's creating the heavens and the earth, when the earth was astonishingly empty and dark, G-d's spirit hovered upon the surface of the waters.

G-d said "let there be light" G-d saw the light was good..."

  • In this Torah portion G-d creates the heavens and the earth, all living creatures and maybe most importantly Adam and Eve who are banished from the garden of Eden after eating of the forbidden fruit. Later Cain kills his brother Abel. G-d considers detroying all He created.

Lessons that can be learned from the parashat Bereshit which can help us in our modern day to day life...

  • Saying no to temptation: so many things can tempt us into letting go of our values. By remembering how Eve was tempted into eating from the forbidden fruit. She was driven by the immediate rewards and forgot wat the consequences would be...
  • Sibling rivalry: here the rivalry between Cain and Abel escalates to violent proportions after which Cain asks "am I my brothers keeper?" The answer here is simply yes! To remind us that we should be protecting and caring for our siblings and not give in to negative tension.


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